The History of High Bridge, Kentucky

- The Towers
- 1851
- A suspension bridge
- John A Roebling, designer
- Niagara gorge bridge
- Financial Difficulties and Civil War
- Original Construction
- 1876-1877
- A cantilever bridge
- Charles Shaler Smith, designer
- Era of modern bridge making
- Presidential visit
- Construction photos
- High Bridge Tourism
- High Bridge Park
- Victorian Pavilion
- Cliff stairway
- North Tower village and P.O.
- Renaming of village
- Passenger train excursions
- Famous speakers/events
- Rebuilding the Bridge
- 1910-1911
- Gustav Lindenthal, designer
- Reinforcement using same foundations
- New deck
- New approach
- Destruction of station
- Traffic continued uninterrupted
- Doubling the tracks
- 1929
- Towers removed
- Bourbon
- Assume old railroad line was abandoned here
- Neglect and loss of fame
- Pavilion rots
- Still major North-South route
- High Bridge springs, KUSI
- Post office closes, 1976
- Rebirth of High Bridge Park
- New Pavilion
- Gazebo
- Playground
- Overlook
- Rail-trail
Other resources:
- High Bridge Historical Marker
- Signs of History: High Bridge historical marker (1381)
- Jessamine County Tourism page on high bridge
- High Bridge Post cards by Jon Hagee
- A 1940 walking tour of high bridge Groovy pictures! Too bad the map seems to be missing.
- Current High Bridge photos