Wish List
Feel like giving me a gift? Here’s some terrific ideas of stuff I’d like (in no particular order):
Books and Stuff
- My Amazon.com wish list has tons of groovy stuff. You can sort it by priority to see what I'd most like. I update this Amazon list more frequently than this page.
Food and Drink
- Foldger’s Hazelnut coffee or delicious Monastery Blend Coffee (Christmas blend or promised blend and maybe a maroon or blue mug, too) or go all out and get some of the world's best coffee: Kona from Aloha Island (chocolate macadamia nut Kona is yummy).
- Perhaps a case of Jolt Cola.
- On Off Mug I probably already have too many coffee mugs, but this one really cracks me up. If only it could detect decaf and stay off, we'd really have something.
Fun and Games
- A nice Go set
- The RealMyst game (I've wanted to play this...)
- The enhanced version mouse pad from Litepads
- A black or graphite Mouse Bungee. Seriously. (Also available
at office supply stores.)
Atari Classics 10-in-1 TV Games (fun and retro - Activision 10-1 TV Games doesn't have the cool Atari joystick) (I already got one!)
- Power Joy III Retro Arcade System No groovy Atari joystick, but it does have 84 games including dig dug, galaga, galaxians, and joust.
- Green laser pointer II. You can see the beam in the dark!
- Levitating Desktop Globe - sort of a real life animated globe :-)
- Gotta have LEGO! I'd enjoy the Imperial Star Destroyer, the AT-AT, and pretty much any of the Star Wars MINI-models (especially the
MINI AT-AT, MINI AT-ST and Snowspeeder, MINI X-wing and TIE fighters, and MINI Imperial Shuttle). Oh wait, that was all Star Wars LEGO...
- Regular LEGO sets I'd like: the Blacksmith shop, a tree, the 3D pumpkin. The LEGO Legend Castle Collection looks like a good deal.
- Lego keychain, such as the astronaut, wizard, or cowboy.
- Sizes: T-shirts: Large, Dress Shirts: 15½ - 32
- Groovy T-shirts from ErrorWear, such as the Colecovision error. Because my wife loves me, I already have the PacMan perfect game shirt! :-)